
Bernie Kyle

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They Walk, They Stalk, There's Covert Talk
They Hide, they Sneak . they Drive
They Board the Bus, without a Fuss
And amongst themselves, Connive.

What Hatred fuels their Evil Deeds
No Religion Preaches Thus !
For Children Die or Injured lie
When a Bomb destroys a Bus.

Their Targets know no Earthly Bounds
A Ship ! A Bar ! A Tower !
Such Heinous Deeds against men's Creeds
The Peaceful must Empower.

For Peoples are Irate, Incensed
And Countries Mobilise
But the Fear must be that, Uncontrolled
The World could Vaporise !.

For the World now has, both Neutron Power
And Destructive forms so Vast
That set upon the World at Large
Each Day could be our Last.

So Terror must De- escalate
And the Drums of War must Deaden
Or Terrorism in this World of Ours
Will lead to Armageddon

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